Account and Organizations

  • Transferring Agents Between Organizations

    Agents can exist in only one organization at a time. This article will walk you through transferring agents from one Organization to another.    Choose the Organization the agent is currently a pa...

  • Password Reset

    To Reset your password do the following: Go to and click Log in. Enter your email address and click Next. Click the Forgot Password link. Enter your Zingtree email and click ...

  • Logging In

    Author Login: Billing Administrators, Super Users, and Authors will log in to Zingtree through the main web page. You can click the link to be redirected.    On the ...

  • Updating Billing Information

    To change your payment information do the following (Note: You must be a Billing Admin to make any updates to your payment information): 1. Begin by going to My Account > Organizations & Billing 2....

  • How to Add an Author / Collaborator

    In this quick article, we explain how Zingtree handles administrative rights and access rules for organizations that have many decision tree authors. Let’s break things down… The Three Types of Aut...

  • Author Roles: Setting up Super Users and Billing Admins

    An Author can have both the Super User and Billing Administrator roles enabled. These are the abilities of each role: The Super User is an Author with special permissions. A Super User can: See an...

  • How to Delete or Remove Authors from your Organization

    You need to be the Super User or Billing Administrator to delete Authors from your organization.  This will remove the person from all trees. You can delete an Author as follows: Go to Team > Auth...

  • Using Google Sign-in to Authenticate Agents and End-Users

    Besides using Single Sign-on to limit access to your Zingtree decision trees, a simpler way to do this is to leverage Google Sign-in to verify the identity of agents or employees using your trees. ...

  • How to Move Trees between Organizations

    Here's how to transfer a tree from one organization account to another: If you have access to trees in both the SOURCE and DESTINATION organizations: Open the tree you want to move. Go to Settings...

  • Include a Custom Logo when showing your Tree

    You can replace the default Zingtree logo with your own when displaying your trees via the following methods: Zingtree Hosted URLs Agent Portal Task Manager Here's how to set up your own logo: G...

  • Data Retention Policy

    When you set up an Organization in Zingtree, you can set a custom Data Retention Period. By default, this is Forever, but you can choose to delete your data after the amount of time you choose. To ...

  • Accessibility (VPAT)

    Zingtree is fully accessible. Read the VPAT report here.

  • Referral/Affiliate Program

    Know someone who would also love Zingtree? Submit their name and info, and when they become a new customer, you'll get 20% of their first year's contract value. E.g. If someone signs up for a $50K ...

  • How do I cancel my account?

    If you're a paying customer, go to My Account, Organizations and Billing, then Billing. Note: You need to be the Billing Administrator for your account to change subscription status.

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