Reports and Analytics

  • Promoted article

    Usage Reports

    Introduction We've completely rebuilt our Usage Reports platform to provide you with faster data loading, visualizations, more delivery methods, and downloadable format options.  Categories Repo...

  • Viewing Linked Tree Pathways

    It's possible to create quite an ecosystem of trees. To better understand how they are all connected, it can be helpful to view a visual representation.   Learn more about connecting trees together...

  • Legacy Reports and Analytics

    This article pertains to legacy reports which will soon be deprecated. Zingtree's new reporting is now available. Click here to access documentation for new reporting.   Zingtree offers several rep...

  • Automatic Reports: Receive reports daily, weekly or monthly via email.

    Rather than having to pull reports manually, Zingtree offers an option to email your favorite reports to you on a regular basis. Here's how to set this up: Go to Usage Reports, Automatic Reports. ...

  • Change Log Report: Audit Author Activity

    If you're looking for a way to quantify how active your authors have been, the Change Log report can help.  You can get the following information: Who made changes to a tree. When the change was m...

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