Organizing Trees
Importing, exporting and creating an easy to use structure with tags and filters.
Manage Trees with Folders
Adding folders to your My Trees list is an easy way to keep a long list of trees organized. Here's how you can categorize your trees into folders. Adding a new folder Authors with Super User permis...
Redirecting multiple buttons to a new node
You can redirect many button links from one node to another quickly. For example, if you have 50 buttons that go to node #6, and you want all of them to now go to node #2, you can use the redirect ...
Importing from CSV Format (Details)
You can create trees using a spreadsheet (like Excel or Google Sheets), or any other system that can generate tab-delimited files. These files need to be in a specific format, with specific column ...
How to Export your Decision Trees to JSON or CSV
Zingtree offers two formats for exporting trees: JSON (recommended): This will retain the entire structure of your tree, including tree settings, data entry fields, and apps. This can be used for ...
Importing from Microsoft Excel
If you’re comfortable using Microsoft Excel, you can build the first draft of your Zingtree decision trees in Excel using a spreadsheet, and then easily import them into Zingtree. Once you’ve succe...
Importing from Google Sheets
Did you know the spreadsheet tool in the free, web-based Google Workspace can be used as a decision tree building tool? Using a specific layout, you can easily import any Sheets document into Zingt...
Categorizing your Trees with Tree Tags
First Step: Tag Your Trees! If you haven’t done so already, you should tag your trees. A tag is like a category – any tree can have multiple tags. This is the first step to being better organized. ...
How to Delete a Node
Deleting a node can be done by editing it. Select the Node to delete. Click the three dots in the upper right corner. Click the Delete button. Another way to delete a node is to:1. Select t...
How to filter or hide decision tree access to agents
In Agent Portal, you may want to limit certain agents access to certain trees. There are two ways to do this: Hiding the Tree Select the tree, and go to the Settings tool. Click the Security tab. ...
How do I Copy a Tree?
You can use any tree you've created as a template for building a new tree by utilizing the Copy tool. Begin by opening the tree you want to copy. Under Tools select Copy Tree. Name the tree, choo...
Copying, Duplicating, Deleting and Moving Nodes/Branches
Sometimes you'll want to take content from one tree and move or copy that content to another tree. That's why Zingtree gives you the option to Duplicate nodes in your current tree, Copy nodes from ...
How to Archive or Restore a Tree
Archive one or multiple trees Archiving trees allows you to remove them from your My Trees page with the option to recover them at a later time if needed.Important An author must have SuperUser per...