Large companies will sometimes need more than one organization in Zingtree. Perhaps separated by department, country or language. In most cases, one organization is sufficient. However, you do have the ability to set up multiple organizations tied to the same billing account.
- From the My Account menu, choose Organizations & Billing
- Choose the Org Management section to create additional organizations.
Important notes about Organizations:
- Assign authors to each organization you'd like them to have tree-building access.
- Agents may belong to only one organization. However, you can tag agents and trees so that they see only the trees assigned to them.
- When connecting trees together using Tree Nodes, the subtrees must live in the same organization as the main tree.
Invite authors
- Zingtree makes it easy to invite collaborators. From the Account menu, choose My Authors. Add Authors to your organization.
- Assign trees to authors: Once you've invited an author, you can give them access to specific Trees (note: Super Users will automatically have access to all Trees). At that time, you will be able to choose the access level of that specific Tree (eg. Admin, Editor, View Only). To add an author as a collaborator on trees:
- From the Account menu, choose My Authors, then Assign Trees, or
- From a tree's Tools menu, choose Assign Collaborators.
Configure or Change Access Level
As a Super User, you change the access level to other authors.
Account > Organizations and Billing > Author Roles > Configure Author Roles
Set up Agents
If your Agents will be accessing trees using the Zingtree Agent Portal, you will add Agents to your organization from My Team > My Agents > Agent Tools > Add One Agent OR Add Multiple Agents.
Other ways to set up Agents:
- Through the API - more info here.
- Through an integration like Zendesk, Salesforce, and Freshdesk.
- Merge Variables (send data through the URL)
Remove Agents
- My Team > My Agents > Select an Agent (checkbox) > Delete
- Through the API. More info here.