Adding a Search Form to your Trees

  • Updated

Providing a search option is a great complement to the various guided paths you provide.

A search box looks like this:



How to add a search form to a Content Node:

  1. Open a Content Node in which you'd like to place a search form.
  2. Place the cursor at the place where you want the form inserted.
  3. Choose the mceclip3.png icon in the toolbar to display more options. Then choose the Search icon in the expanded toolbar.
  4. Next, select from what source the search should be performed. Here are the options:
    • This Tree: The search will be limited to this tree only.
    • This Tree + Linked Trees: Search this tree and all trees that are linked from this tree via Tree Nodes.
      • Determine where the results are linked: When this Search is enabled, additional options become available allowing you to determine if the search results displayed link directly to the node, or to the start of the matching tree. 
      • Limit results with Agent Tags: Select the checkbox to narrow the scope of the search by Agent Tag. When enabled Agents will only see results that match their Agent Tag.
    • All Trees: All trees in this organization will be searched.
      • Determine where the results are linked: When this Search is enabled, additional options become available allowing you to determine if the search results displayed link directly to the node, or to the start of the matching tree. 
      • Limit results with Agent Tags: Select the checkbox to narrow the scope of the search by Agent Tag. When enabled Agents will only see results that match their Agent Tag.
    • Trees matching Tag(s): Only trees matching specified tags will be searched.
      • Determine where the results are linked: When this Search is enabled, additional options become available allowing you to determine if the search results displayed link directly to the node, or to the start of the matching tree. 
      • Limit results with Tree Tags: Limit your search results to include only those trees that contain specific Tree Tags.
      • Limit results with Agent Tags: Select the checkbox to narrow the scope of the search by Agent Tag. When enabled Agents will only see results that match their Agent Tag.
  5. Select each category that you would like to search for. Here are the options:

    • Node Titles: Search Node Titles.
    • Node Content: Search for text within the content area of nodes.
    • Node Tags: Search for terms matching Node Tags.
    • Node Keywords: Search for terms matching Node Keywords.
    • Tree Titles: Search for Tree Titles
    • Tree Tags: Search for Tree Tags

      Note: The option to determine where the results link to is only relevant when at least one of the Node categories is selected here.

Draft Trees are Excluded from Search

Any tree in the status of Draft is always excluded from search results.

Editing an Existing Search Form

To edit an existing search form, simply click on it from the content node editor. A Search Settings Option will appear allowing you to select new options:

Adding Keywords as Search Targets

You can include extra keywords in any content node to expand search results. When editing a content node, just add keywords like here:

The Search Terms Report

You can see what your end-users are searching for via the Search Terms Report. To access the Search Terms Report go to Usage Reports > Tree Engagement > Search Terms.

If you should find a search term that your users are searching for to discover a certain node, consider adding that term to your keywords on that node. This is especially helpful if the search form you've chosen is limited to "Node Titles, Tags, and Keywords" for example. Perhaps an alternative word might be searched that is not in the Node Title. Place those likely alternate words in the Keywords section.


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