Making sure Agents use your flows

Some agents may click into the flow once in order to “fake” usage, leading to a high degree of perceived utilization by your managers. Here’s one way to put guardrails around that: combine the power of the reports with some good configuration of your flows. You can create persistent buttons to mimic the end of the interaction - this persistent button will be marked as “Success” and include some sort of wrap up information.
Here’s how to do that:
Step 1: Create a Content Node and name it “End Call” (or whatever makes the most sense in your case). This Content Node does need to be linked to anything.
Step 2: In the Content Area, resurface the information the agent needs to wrap up a call (ie. notes, summary, specific variable value).
Step 3 (optional): Include a “Copy to Clipboard” button from the templates. In some integrations, like Zendesk, there are some pre-built automations to populate the internal notes.
Step 4: On the Content Node, navigate down to Final Node Session Result, and mark the Node as “Success”.
Step 5: Create a Persistent Button.
Under Usage Reports > Session Detail > Session List you’ll be able to see how many of the sessions end in “Success” in the Session Result section.
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