Publishing URL Parameters Reference

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There are lots of options you can use when deploying a tree with a Zingtree URL.  Many of these are available in the Settings tool, but if you add a parameter in the URL it will override anything set via Settings.

Options not available in the Settings tool:

Command Example Description
&source=Bill Attach a source or agent name to the session.  Useful for tracking who is using the tree, or where the end-user came from.
&agent_mode=1 Use this if you're in a call center environment. The source= parameter is saved as the name of the agent.
&session_id=MY_COMPANY-12345678ABCDE Pass a custom session ID - this should be unique across all Zingtree sessions for all of our customers, so we recommend including a prefix unique to your organization. If this is not set, Zingtree will assign a unique session ID for you.
&start_node=20 Want to launch this tree from somewhere other than the root node? This example will launch your tree starting from node #20.
&tags=tag1,tag2 Used for matching tags using #?#treetaglist-any: ## or #?#treetaglist-all: ## templates.
&nochrome=1 Set this to hide the top and bottom parts of the Zingtree Hosted page. (Zingtree Hosted only.)
&variables=Name|Date Names of merge variables sent to this tree. Each variable is separated by | .
&values=Bill|2017-03-01 The values for each merge variable. Separated by |.
&save_plus=1 Keep any plus characters in merge variables.  If this is not set, plus characters are converted to space characters.
&auth_token=TOKEN Passes a token to any webhook calls. This token reappears in the X-Auth-Token HTTP header when the webhook is called. More details here
&hide_end_user_only=1 Hides any content surrounded by [[USER-ONLY]] and [[/USER-ONLY]] markup.


These options (less commonly used) will override anything set using the Settings tool:

Command Example Description
&persist_names=Restart|New+Ticket Names of persistent buttons that appear below every node of the tree. Each button is separated by a |.
&persist_node_ids=1|3 Node numbers corresponding to &persist_names. Also separated by |.
&feedback=1 Include a feedback button (Agent Feedback) at the bottom right of the tree. Anything entered here will be sent to the authors of the tree.
&show_session_notes=1 Include a "session notes" button at the bottom of the tree so that the end-user can add notes about the current session.
&search_all=1 Include a "search all" button at the bottom of the tree.
&nopermalink=1 Hide the permanent link icon, which appears at the top right of each node if enabled.
&notitle=1 Hide the title of the tree when displaying it.
&hide_back_button=1 Hide the "back" button that appears at the bottom of every node.
&lazyload=1 Set this to "lazy load" images. This makes images appear only when needed when a node displays, and can make the entire tree load faster if it contains a lot of images.
&transition=fade Use this to set one of the transition effects (none / fade / slide)
&speed=1000 The speed for a transition effect, in 1000ths of a second.  The example (1000) will make a one-second transition between each node.
&responsive_videos=1 Makes any embedded YouTube videos responsive. Videos will scale to the size of the display - especially handy for mobile and tablet support
&show_history=1 For Zingtree hosted trees only: Show the history of this session at the top of each node.
&embed_history=1 For Embedded trees only: Show the history of this session at the top of each node.
&show_breadcrumbs=1 For Zingtree hosted trees only: Enable the "breadcrumbs" option at the top of each node.
&embed_breadcrumbs=1 For Embedded trees only: Enable the "breadcrumbs" option at the top of each node.
&style=panels Set this to buttons or panels to determine how your tree's buttons are to be displayed.
&locale=en Set the default locale for the date picker. This may need to be used in conjunction with date_format (below). Here is a complete list.

Customize the date format from the date picker used by data entry fields. A full list of format options is here.

Trick #1: Use an underscore ( _ ) in place of a space character.

Trick #2: If you specify mm/dd/yy  (I.e. 09/30/2020) or dd/mm/yy (i.e. 30/09/2020), any date input will be validated against those formats.

&disable_scroll=1 Disables the automatic scrolling that occurs when embedding trees into web pages.
&keep_vars_on_back=1 Normally, clicking the Back or Reset buttons in a tree makes all variables revert to their previous state, and deletes new variables. Use this option to keep all variables entered, even if Back or Reset is clicked.
&merge_vars_not_fixed=1 Set this if Merge Variables can be changed during the session. This could be from webhooks, or from data entry forms.
&cache_tree=1 This tells the browser to cache the contents of the tree each time your tree is loaded. May increase performance, but if you make changes to your tree your end-users won't see them for approximately 60 minutes.
&google_translate=fr,de,es Include a Google Translate option in your tree to automatically support foreign languages. In this example, we offer French, Spanish, and German. You can add other 2 letter language codes to the list. The complete list of languages is here.

Use &google_translate=* to support ALL language translations that Google offers.

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