Undo/Recovery using the Snapshots Tool

  • Updated

Recovering a previous version of a tree

If you've accidentally deleted a node or made an unwanted change, you can recover a previous version of your tree using the Snapshots tool.

Here's how to undelete or recover a previous version:

  1. From your tree, go to the Tools menu, and pick the Version History (Snapshots) tool. mceclip0.png
  2. You'll see all of your changes like this:
  3. Pick the most recent version of your tree, and click Recover.


  • Use the Copy button to copy this revision to a new tree.

How to see the number of changes between versions

  1. Click on show number of changes between versions.
  2. You'll see a new column labeled "changes" appear (this may take a while to show for larger trees).

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