You may have a need to exchange Zingtree data with other applications. Some customers want to send data from a Zingtree session to another application or include data from another application in Zingtree.
Zingtree’s data exchange feature makes use of Webhooks with JSON formatted data. In fact, a lot of the tools we utilize work the same way.
Here’s an Example
To demonstrate how to send and receive data from your decision trees, we will walk through how to build a simple tree that asks for a USA zip code and then shows the city and state for that zip code inside the tree.
We will send data to a custom webhook we built, which takes a parameter of a zip code. It returns a JSON structure with the city and state info. Here’s an example of the webhook in use:
If you click the link above, you’ll see these results:
{"zip":"94960","state":"California","state_abbreviation":"CA","city":"San Anselmo"}
The PHP source code for the webhook URL is here.
The variables #city#, #state# and #state_abbreviation# will now be usable by Zingtree. So to show the city, just enter #city# into the content area of any node.
Webhooks Process Overview
Here’s a summary of how this works:
- Add the webhook to your organization’s apps.
- Include a call to the webhook in a node. When the node is visited, the call is executed.
- Any JSON variables returned by the call become Zingtree variables.
Adding the Webhook
- Go to Apps & Integrations.
- Click the Add Webhook button under My Apps.
- Enter a name for the webhook, and the URL as shown:
The URL in this example is:
#zip# will receive the zip code variable entered by the end user. For example, you have a data entry field prior in your tree where the end-user enters a zip code and the variable for that field is zip.
- Webhook Headers: Here you can add any standard or non-standard request, response, or payload header (as defined here) and assign static values to those headers as shown in the placeholder text. Each header and value needs to be added in its own line.
- Click Add Webhook. This makes the hook available to your trees.
Calling the Webhook when a node is visited
- Use a data entry field with the variable name #zip# to collect the zip code. Please note that the variable name must be an exact match to the variable name in the webhook in order for data to be passed in.
- On a following node where you want to call the webhook go to the Apps and Webhooks section and select Add App.
- Select Webhook: Zip Lookup from the Webook to Call drop-down menu
- Use the #city# and #state# variables in the content area to surface the information from the Webhook.
Universal Parameters
Every call to the webhook URL you provide always includes the following parameters:
- node_id
- session_id
Adding Security/Authorization
You can add an extra layer of security to your webhooks by passing an authorization token into the URL that launches your tree. The token is passed back to the webhook URL in the HTTP header.
To send the authorization token MYTOKEN, add this to the URL that launches the tree:
To check the token in your webhook, look at the X-Auth-Token value in the HTTP header.
Please note: The auth_token remains the same for the entire tree session.
Bearer Token
For Authorization Type = Bearer
To send the Bearer token MYTOKEN, add this to the URL that launches the tree:
To check the token in your webhook, look at the ‘Authorization: Bearer MYTOKEN‘ value in the HTTP header.
The demo uses the free postal code lookup service.