How to Archive or Restore a Tree

  • Updated

Archive one or multiple trees

Archiving trees allows you to remove them from your My Trees page with the option to recover them at a later time if needed.

Important An author must have SuperUser permissions to archive, restore, or see archived trees.

  1. On your My Trees page, select the trees that you would like to archive by checking their checkboxes in the left column. Like this:
  2. Then click the Actions button and choose Archive Selected

Archive just one tree

  1. Open the tree that you'd like to archive.
  2. From the tree's Actions menu, choose Archive Tree.

Restore a Previously Archived Tree

  1. To recover a previously archived tree, choose the Archive option from the left column of the My Trees page. Select the tree(s) that you'd like to restore, by clicking their checkboxes.
  2. From the Actions menu, choose the Restore selected option.

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