Print Tree Overview or Save as PDF

  • Updated


The Printable Tree Overview tool allows you to see, print, or save an overview of a tree's content in a scrollable format. This can be helpful to:

  • Provide stakeholders who may not be Zingtree authors to review and approve content without the need to click through every possible route in a tree.
  • Scroll through a preview of every node in the tree.
  • Easily locate a specific graphic, photo, or screenshot by scrolling through your content.

How to Access the Printable Tree Overview

From your tree's Tools Menu, select Printable Tree Overview

The Printable Tree Overview window will open.

Navigating the Printable Tree Overview

Scroll through your nodes to see a birdseye view of each one. 

  • At the top of the window, you can switch between viewing Preview or Production versions of the tree.
  • The tool is intended as a flattened view of content, not an interactive editing tool. All content is displayed but buttons in this view are not clickable.

Printing the Tree Overview

To send the Printable Tree Overview to your printer, click the Print button in the bottom-right corner.

Your Print dialogue window will open allowing you to select your printer.


Save the Printable Tree Overview to a PDF File

To save the Printable Tree Overview to a PDF file on your computer, click the Print button in the bottom-right corner. When the print dialogue window opens, choose Print to PDF as the destination rather than printing to a printer.


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